Tag: Holland

  • Of Courtesans and Queens

    Of Courtesans and Queens

    Finally installed in a fenced off piece of Amsterdam, we knew we wouldn’t want to miss the colourful side of her nightlife, so we took the opportunity of having a lie in and waited for the rain to pass. We set off in a drizzle to find the ferry and happened upon a Halfords on…

  • Duvet Day

    Duvet Day

    Counting our losses and blessings on the banks of the port in Amsterdam under a blanket…

  • Our Hero

    Our Hero

    The drama that was Belgium continues into Holland, whilst leaving Germany dumbfounded…

  • Double Dutch

    Double Dutch

    Well, all good plans and all that! We headed for Dover as planned, all going well so we stopped off for a coffee at Stanstead services. Having a wee break, we discovered that we were now starting our journey a little lighter – the bathroom skylight had decided to eject somewhere down the M11 in…